ger   eng

Appartement 2  Studio "Panoramablick" 


is a studio apartment with a living

Dining and bedroom


der Wohnbereichdie Doppelausziechouch DSC_0062der Wohnbereich mit Flat- TV die Kleinküche App 2 StudioDSC_0060 die Kleinküche mit Essbereich im App 2 StudioFrühstückscenter und Microwelle die Kleinküche im App 2 Studioder Essbereich DSC_0056der Essbereich im App. 2 Studio der Essbereich im App 2 Studio (2)die helle Dachgaupe ihr DoppelbettIhr Doppelbett (2) Ihr Doppelbett im App. 2 Studio (2)Ihr Doppelbett im App.2 Studio ein WillkommengrußDusche - WC Wohnung 2 (2) Dusche - WC Wohnung 2die gemütliche Rattancouch am Balkon App 2 Studio die Rattancouch am BalonIhr Ausblick vom App 2 Studio P1220007P1220006 im_sommer_inklusive_salzburger_saalachtal_cardlightbox nextgen galleryby v6.1

for "two" are ideal as well as.  "three" people and is executed as so-called "studio" in the roof-projectile of our house as well as. "four" people should have you children

     through the generously executed rebuilding of the existing one(s) - as well as. Reconstruction of a Dachgaupe    (2015), that is
     Appartement now "without" attic comfortably in full area-height developed and
     bid you a "all around-gaze" for fabulous 3-directions our
     beautiful mountain-world

*  Residential-kitchen - dormitory with shower / WC


*  Small-kitchen with two cook-plates - refrigerator - wall cabinets with the necessary one
    Dishes and a sink, of course microwave, Kafeemaschine, Eierkocher
    etc..  in order to guarantee a comfortable food for you

* a dining table with two or three chairs (according to demand))

* a television-closet with SAT - TV (Flat) with numerous selectable programs

* a more integrated wardrobe

* a residential-area with a comfortable doubles-couch, place offers extendable for one
   further person or child)

*  Equipped the balcony-area with a comfortable lounge - rattan day bed - Doppelchoch.

* This balcony - door - as well as. Window-elements are exported with sound-protection-glazing

* To the studio of Appartement, we can offer an extra nursery to you for up to 2 children
   In the same floor, however without WB, without shower / WC, as thought further sleep-possibility for your children.
das zweite Zimmer (einzel) zu App 2das zweite Zimmer zu App 2 mit Flat TV das zweite Zimmer zu App 2 (2)im_sommer_inklusive_salzburger_saalachtal_card lightbox nextgen galleryby v6.1

* The total size of our "Studioappartement" amounts to 28 m2 plus nurseries 9 m2

Services overview

If you are on vacation in Lofer, you get a series of privileges of your stay. The Saalachtal-Tourismuscard offers numerous good conditions and gratuitous admissions into most different sights and public facilities like the free-bath of Lofer and the Lofereralm tracks to you.

Salzburger Saalachtal Card


Appartements Saalachtal

Margit  und Wolfgang Auer

Adresse:    A-5090 Lofer   Nr. 182
Telefon:     + 43 6588/8437
FAX:            + 43 6588/20146
Mobil:          + 43 664  8621411

                                                                                                               Reg.Nr. 50610-000091-2020