For the content responsible
Appartements SaalachtalMargit und Wolfgang Auer
Lofer 182
A-5090 Lofer/Salzburg
Tel.: +43 6588 8437
Mobil: +43 664 8621411
Bank-connection: Salzburger Sparkasse Zweigstelle Lofer
Kto. Nr. IBAN AT38 2040 4010 0060 4231
UID Nr. ATU 69503637
Texts, pictures and graphics of this side can be used only after express authorization of the owners.
eigene Bilder,Stefanie Auer Bilder, Energieplatz "Zum Einklang" Bilder,
TVB Salzburger Saalachtal - Lofer
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- Start-side
- Appartement 1 Steinbergblick
- Appartement 2 Studio Panoramabl.
- (Studio in the roof-projectile)
- Picturegallery
- Weather in Lofer
- Arrival