the current weather in Lofer for your vacation
Alles zum Wetter in Österreich
- Start-side
- Appartement 1 Steinbergblick
- Appartement 2 Studio Panoramabl.
- (Studio in the roof-projectile)
- Picturegallery
- Weather in Lofer
- Arrival
If you are on vacation in Lofer, you get a series of privileges of your stay. The Saalachtal-Tourismuscard offers numerous good conditions and gratuitous admissions into most different sights and public facilities like the free-bath of Lofer and the Lofereralm tracks to you.
Salzburger Saalachtal Card
Appartements Saalachtal
Margit und Wolfgang Auer
Adresse: A-5090 Lofer Nr. 182